Today was a good day, although for some reason when we were done all I could think about was drinking a few beers and trying to relax. It is the home stretch, but my home is a big workshop - it is difficult to cook and my bed is a tool shed. But by Wednesday Eddy and I should be on the road and this will all change!

The bed is all ready to be assembled, we're just waiting on finishing up the tanks. The tanks are all ready, we're just waiting to replace the fuel level sensors with ones that will actually fit into the tank as a result of a miscommunication between Brian and us. Luckily there is a place that should have the right sensors in stock, and I can return the wrong ones. The fuel gauges are mounted on the front dash and look great, thanks to Daniel's metal-working skilz.
The most exciting thing today was that we uncovered a bunch of the windows that had previously been covered. There is a whole row of windows that circles the top of the bus above the main windows. Today we removed the insulation and cut holes in the wood panels in order to uncover these windows. I am really happy about this - for now... in the winter time I may have other thoughts!!

We also removed the wood stove. It was easy - it wasn't even bolted down. We found a bench style car seat that we will mount where the wood stove was. I think I need to get rid of this wood stove - it is just too big for the bus. I think I might replace it with two smaller stoves, one for the front of the bus and one for the rear. But for sure I have some time to think this over. The main thing is that we have a passenger seat. Need to search Craig's list for seat belts, but this shouldn't be too difficult to find.
The order for the three driver's-side scope stations is ready, but since we are about to leave and we will pass through Indiana, Ed and I will just stop at the 80/20 factory and pick up the parts there, on the way from visiting Jon Inga and Alex in Iowa and on our way to Jenny Anurag and Jasper in Michigan.
Tomorrow Gloria will start working on building out the desk area in the back, Aaron will finish up the hosing for the veggie oil system, and hopefully Julie will be back to help uncover more of the windows. Julie is here for a few days, from Montreal originally and on her way to Humboldt on Sunday. She was a really big help today, and with four people working we're getting a whole lot of things done. Daniel is also helping out a lot, and tomorrow I hope he will have finished installing the floor for the below bus storage area that we will use for the grease collection apparatus.
In any case, it is looking good for the first testing of the veggie oil system tomorrow. I hope I will be able to write you tomorrow about Sammy's first churnings on veggie grease!!
And tomorrow night What Would Jesus Buy is opening at the SF Documentary Fest!! If you are SF, let me know and I can find you tickets for the Sunday or Monday nights shows!
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