Please send me your comments and suggestions - or better yet, please let me know if you might have time to help me with the text or images for different parts of the page. No programming necessary, especially just for helping with text.
In other news - a company called ublip has donated a year of free web-based vehicle tracking. Thanks to my home-town pal Andy Turner for suggesting them! I will be putting a map on the web site that will show the current location of the bus so people can see where I am (as well as where I've been!). In addition, the lovely folks at Marware donated a copy of their great project management software called ProjectX that I hope will help me stay organized with the different parallel tasks, contacts, and volunteers
I had lunch today with a friend of a friend at teacher's college. We had a great chat about the project and she gave me some very good ideas and reinforced some of my ideas. I got very excited about the idea of developing some database software that will allow students to access experiments performed by students at different schools, with the hope that past students might help out current students.
It is amazing how generous people have been so far with their time and their money. But I am still badly in need of people on the ground helping me on the bus - there is SO much to do. Please send me a note if there is anything you think you might be able to help with - even a couple hours a week would be great.
Finally, prompted by Emily's visit later in February, I plan on having the first open-to-public tour of the bus. By this time I should have two working microscopes and some fun cell samples to play with!
The new and improved website looks great! Also great news about the microscopes.
thanks fred! i hope you can make it to new york for the open-bus on the 23rd.
I like the new website. However, I suggest you learn the basics of CSS stylesheets. It will make your life much easier!
hi Alex! glad you like the site - and thanks for the tip. the funny thing is that I am using CSS - but maybe I'm not using it correctly?
There is this GREAT web site - http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp- that taught me everything I know! I highly recommend this site for people learning how to do web stuff.
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